Getting your first massage at home? Or simply want to enhance the experience? We break down how to prepare for each in-home massage technique to maximize enjoyment.
The Massage On Demand® company launches in-home massage services and monthly massage membership in Savannah, Georgia.
National Geographic’s happiest cities in the U.S. happen to be places in which Zeel delivers in-home massages on-demand. Coincidence? We think not.
New York City can be a stressful place. We asked a few professional providers of relaxation what they recommend for unwinding in the big city.
Sunsets and in-home massages go together like deserts and cacti. Zeel is thrilled to announce an expansion to sunny Tucson, Arizona.
It’s easy to stay active this autumn, especially if you live in one of these highly walkable cities.
Monthly massage membership has countless benefits. Here, we count 15 of them, so you can make the most of your massage subscription this fall season.
The last day of vacation can be stressful, especially if you’re returning to work or heading back to school. Try these 15 tips to beat the end-of-summer blues.