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VIDEO: Keep Your Body in Perfect Alignment with Posture Corrector Exercises

VIDEO: Keep Your Body in Perfect Alignment with Posture Corrector Exercises

A man standing and holding his lower back to fix the discomfort he's feeling from his poor posture.

Sustaining good posture is not only essential for spinal health—it allows sufficient oxygen to reach the lungs, promotes healthy head-to-toe circulation, and even supports our mood! But when we’re slouched at a desks, necks bent toward our phones, and feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders, perky posture tends to fall by the wayside.

The good news is that healthy alignment doesn’t have to be hard—especially when you make it active. Adopting a postural arrangement that supports your spine, will activates muscles throughout your trunk and core that will leave you feeling energized and strong.

Even better, the active engagement in a healthy posture not only promotes musculoskeletal health in the long term, but will gradually improve your strength and metabolism as well.

Improving—and simply becoming aware of—your posture is simple when you incorporate a few simple and soothing movements into your day. In this video, Dr. Tom Oddo demonstrates what good posture looks like and demonstrates how these simple movements throughout the day can reset and strengthen your body.

Dr. Tom Oddo is a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist in Manhattan, NY. He earned his doctorate degree from New York Chiropractic College. Dr. Oddo is an evidence-oriented practitioner, utilizing cutting edge techniques to provide the highest quality care to his patients. He specializes in musculoskeletal pain, treating all areas of the body, and works to teach patients to keep themselves out of pain.

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