In praise of a no-stuff Mother’s Day that’s focused on what every mom wants most: a rest from the 24/7 duties of being a great mother.
Folks, let’s just agree that for Mother’s Day, we should ceremonially give moms a break. Studies show that for every truffle that’s boxed and rose that’s bunched, there’s an indefatigable mother wishing upon a star for a day of no errands or a few quiet hours to unwind. Real talk: In a 2021 survey of 2,000 American mothers, nearly half of them said the best gift they could receive for Mother’s Day would be a night of uninterrupted sleep.
Even T.G.I. Friday’s gets it. Their own survey of moms found that, among other non-stuff gifts, 70% of moms simply longed for a day to themselves. 51% of respondents also longed for a good night’s sleep, and 40% wanted a self-care day.
In a 2021 survey of American moms, 47% of respondents lamented having to clean up after THEIR OWN Mother’s Day celebrations, and 70% wished they could just get a day to themselves.
The T.G.I. Friday’s survey went a step further and asked respondents to share their top grievances about Mother’s Day. 47% of moms pointed out having to clean up after their own Mother’s Day events, and 36% lamented the inability to simply take a break from their everyday responsibilities. Even Mother’s Day is work for moms!
Seriously: ditch the store-bought stuff, toss the unnecessary things, and please, no more flowers or chocolates that literally no one asked for. We’re here to tell you that the most delectable Mother’s Day for any mom is aimed at giving her a rest from her endless motherly duties! Here are our favorite ways to turn that mission into a gift she’ll actually, deeply appreciate.
What She Really Wants:
A Wellness Boost
How to Gift It: Motherhood can feel like carrying the weight of the world on one’s shoulders—and that can do a number on your back! Not to mention your skin, hair, and general peace of mind…which makes a self-care retreat a no duh for Mother’s Day. Get her a gift certificate or day pass to a nearby, high-end spa—and yes, we mean luxury and not a nail salon. Then she can decide how she wants to let her cares melt away. And make it a no-rush deal. However long she needs is the spa time she deserves.
Road-weary alternative: Bring the sanctuary to her! If the mama in your life spends half her day in the car, give her a break from the road and create a spa sanctuary right at home—starting with an in-home massage. Zeel brings everything required for a perfectly peaceful massage, right down to the relaxing music. All you have to do is book it.
What She Really Wants:
A Day Off From Decisions
How to Gift It: Decision fatigue is real, and break from the pressure is a gift with which no number of roses could compete. Start by taking the time in advance to ask her about the decision making and problem solving she does every day. Simply wanting to know will mean a lot to her (and may be eye-opening for you). Then make a plan for you and the the family to take it all over for a day. You can even give her a formal “day off voucher!” (Though we think she’d love it if you or the kids made it yourself.)
Pro Tip: Any time you’re tempted to ask her a question to help you manage the day…don’t. Remember that you’re supposed to be relieving her of the decision burden. You’ll probably learn some things in the process!
What She Really Wants:
A Nap (for as Long as Possible)
How to Gift It: Easy: Take the kids and scram! It’s a gift that requires zero shopping or wrapping but offers immense value. Even better: Use the time away from her to do something for her, like picking up her favorite local meal to go, getting her car deep-cleaned, or taking over the day’s errands. The key here is giving Mom the peace and quiet required for a truly relaxing siesta—so this is not the time to add vacuuming to the gift.
Gift Enhancer: Dozing off on command isn’t easy for everyone. Make those z’s a sure thing by pairing it with a Zeel Signature Sleep Massage. This modality is designed around the most rest-inducing components of massage, from foot reflexology to aromatherapy, so she’ll roll off the table and into a gloriously restorative Mother’s Day snooze.
What She Really Wants:
Quality Time With You!
How to Gift It: What does she really love to do? Think about it hard. Maybe it’s a picnic outside, a museum visit, a walk on your local Main Street, or a movie night at home. All that matters is that you plan it and that you enjoy it with her. And if you or the kids don’t love doing her favorite things, just think of your feigned enjoyment as part of the gift.
Possibly the most important part: PUT. AWAY. THE PHONES. Your phone, your kids’ phones, everyone’s phones! Because possibly the greatest gift you can give anyone you care about in the 21st century is to not have to compete with a 3” rectangle for your attention. We promise she’ll love it.
Happy Mother’s Day to every mom, stepmom, foster mom, adoptive mom, and soul mother out there. We hope you get the best day off ever. 💖