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10 Ways to Make Your Life Bright Again After a Long Winter

10 Ways to Make Your Life Bright Again After a Long Winter

10 Ways to Make Your Life Bright Again After a Long Winter

At first, the thought of winter is charming — snowflakes, warm hearths, steaming hot chocolate. But as the months wear on, it feels like winter will never end.

Now that spring has officially sprung, and it’s time to dust the cobwebs off your winter life and embrace a spring rejuvenation!

There’s no wrong way to revitalize yourself after a long winter hibernation. However, some of these ideas will be a great start.

10 Spring Rejuvenation Ideas

1. Plan a Trip

Nothing says springtime like spending more time outdoors. Plan a spring break with some of your closest friends and treat yourself to somewhere warm – why not hit Miami or L.A.?

Thinking about having a family reunion instead? We have a list of the best family reunion activities and cities for 2018.

2. Get a Massage

The benefits of massage run a long list, from treating tinnitus to increasing flexibility and even avoiding the flu or cold.

Work out those kinks and truly rejuvenate your body with a massage. Between deep tissue massage, sleep massage, prenatal massagefoot reflexology, and many more it’s hard to go wrong.


get a massage


3. Buy a New Spring Trend

You’ve been wearing that bulky winter coat for months. It’s time to bust out a new spring trend to feel fresh and new again!

Rubber, ruching, and asymmetrical necklines are apparently all the rage. Also…fanny packs? But we won’t hold it against you if you decide to skip out on that trend.

4. Clean Out Your Place

Yes, we know it’s cliche, but spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition for a reason. You’ve probably been closed up in a stuffy house or apartment with all that frigid air.

Open your windows, bust out the duster, and get rid of those old winter clothes you can’t stand to look at anymore. You’ll feel so much better once you’ve decluttered and cleared the way for a true spring rejuvenation!

5. Have Friends Over for Brunch

Nothing says springtime like reconnecting with loved ones. Invite some of your closest friends over for a fancy brunch, complete with crepes, sparkling champagne, and hibiscus scones.

Don’t have enough energy to whip up something fancy? No problem. Move your party to the afternoon and serve some easy, elegant appetizers like baguettes toasted with goat cheese and honey. Throw in some herbal tea, and you officially have a spring rejuvenation gathering.

6. Decorate with Fresh Flowers

We admit it, flowers are also cliche, but it’s because they stand the test of time. Flowers just scream spring. They’ll also freshen up that musty winter house, and remind you that a new day is around the corner.

If you’re not blessed with a green thumb, daisies, asters, and dahlias are all fairly easy to take care of.

7. Chop Off Your Hair

You needed those long locks to keep you warm for winter, but no more. Swipe through your favorite Pinterest styles and find a new haircut that will give you a fresh outlook on life.

After you chop off a few inches of hair, you’ll probably feel light as a feather, and revitalized as ever.

8. Take Stock of What You Want

Beyond the surface level changes for your spring rejuvenation, a fresh new season is a great time to take stock of how your year has gone so far.

Have you stuck to your New Year’s’ resolutions? What hobby or interest would you like to pursue that you didn’t make time for during the winter? Are there friends or family members who you would like to spend more time around?

Write down a list of new spring goals and see which ones resonate the most. Choose one or two to start with and make a plan to follow through.

9. Start a New Exercise Routine

When you’re in winter hibernation mode, it’s easy to eat overfilling comfort foods and get comfy in your cocoon. Now is the time to get active again and bring your body back to life.

Think about what area of exercise you’d like to focus on most — muscle training, high-intensity cardio, or maybe a 20-minute daily yoga routine? Whatever fits the bill, you’ll be glad that you started a new, healthy exercise routine as the world begins to rebloom.

10. Send a Loved One a Message

Spring rejuvenation doesn’t only have to be about yourself. It can also be about your relationships and the people who matter most in your life.

Think about someone who you haven’t been in touch with enough lately. Then, make a sweet gesture, like sending a hand-written card, text message, or email to let them know they’re in your thoughts.

Your friend or loved one will appreciate the effort, and it will help you feel like you’re getting off to a great start to the new season.

. . .

With the flowers blooming, birds chirping, and sunshine returning, it won’t be hard to get back into that spring feeling.

Before you know it, you’ll have shed your winter coat and started off on a new, refreshing path for 2018.

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