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Improve Your Focus and Your Overall Health Without Even Leaving Your Chair

Improve Your Focus and Your Overall Health Without Even Leaving Your Chair

A woman stretching after her nonstop work flow.

Nobody likes leaving the zone once they’re dialed into a good work flow—we get it! But taking time to stretch and move around throughout the day cannot be overstated in its importance. Beyond promoting healthy blood flow, breathing, posture, and stress management, regular movement is instrumental in preventing long-term pain and injury. 

Thankfully, you CAN work this in without breaking your flow. Research on the nature of concentration shows that breaking up long periods of work into smaller chapters with brief breaks in between can vastly improve one’s ability to focus for prolonged periods. What’s the perfect way to spend a 3- to 5-minute break? A healthy stretch, of course!

Here’s a fantastic sequence you can do without even leaving your chair, courtesy of trainer and professional dancer Mahri Relin. Just set your timer, and get in the zone!

About Mahri: An in-demand Zeel Virtual Wellness instructor, Mahri Relin has used her extensive research and experience as a professional dancer, personal trainer, and expert in wellness and nutrition to provide clients with the most intelligent, personalized, and joyful fitness experience possible. Mahri is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, AFPA Pre and Postnatal Exercise Specialist, Certified Postnatal Corrective exercise Specialist, Certified Wellness and Nutrition Consultant, and fitness enthusiast.

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